Do Something that Scares You…Daily

Surprised Baby

Written by Laurie Hillis

Hi, I’m Laurie Hillis, I love what I do: the learning, the process, and above all, seeing how my clients grow as leaders.


September 30, 2020

Eleanor Roosevelt said it well: “Do one thing that scares you every day.”

Fear. We all have a different relationship with fear based on our lived experiences, our natural temperament, and our view of taking risks.

I’ve thought a lot about this quote over the past six months as we’ve all pivoted our lives and routines to adapt to our new realities. And I’ve done many scary things like reimagining my business, supporting clients as they experienced their “dark nights of the soul” and even made the choice to become a puppy parent now that my travel schedule is zilch!

Some people, like my great buddy Alex, take physical risks (think gliding) that I’d never dare to do while he thinks nothing of it. Entrepreneurs I support take business risks and start new ventures in the midst of a pandemic with an apparent sense of ease and flow. Leaders I know have steered disruptive changes in strategy and people leadership seemingly effortlessly. And then there are folks who in old days think nothing of a two-week silent retreat (which for this extraverted human, would be very scary).

In my Dare to Lead™ work based on the research of Brené Brown, we call these scary times “stepping into the courage” area. And it doesn’t have to be colossal events that we choose. We can start with one small, daily daring action to diminish our fears.

The opportunity is …. are you willing to give yourself a 30-day or even a 7-day challenge to take a daily risk that scares you? If so, what could that look like? Here are some sample ideas:

Today I commit to doing the following:

  • Have a courageous conversation I’ve been avoiding with …
  • Start a new health regime that I’ve been talking about for a while
  • Give myself permission to work only 7 hours a day
  • Get rid of old clothes/clutter in my closets
  • Say yes to …
  • Say no to …
  • Say goodbye to …
  • Say hello to …
  • Ask for help from ..
  • Offer support to someone who has not asked for it
  • Take off the “armour” that has pretended to protect me
  • Stop listening to old narratives or saboteurs that live in my head
  • Be vulnerable with …
  • Say I don’t know and be open to new possibilities
  • Write myself a permission slip and live to the actions
  • Start a new relationship
  • Get a puppy! (see a theme here?)

With small successes from these initial risk-taking ventures, you will likely see your comfort level expand to new levels and larger missions.

Contact me today if you’d like to know more about how I support my clients and their teams to navigate stepping into their courage arenas.

Let’s connect:

If you want to know more about Megatrain and how we can work together, drop me a line:

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