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I truly admire Brené Brown’s work, so I am very proud to be a Certified Dare to Lead™ Facilitator. I also utilise several of her and others coaching tools that I have studied and mastered throughout my career.

Dare to Lead

With Dare to Lead™, I work with individuals, teams and organizations providing both workshops, coaching and conferences. The focus is on courage-building skills to transition from armoured leadership, to daring leadership. The Dare to Lead™ curriculum combines videos, facilitation, group work, and practical tools. For more information on Brené’s work check here:

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Positive Intelligence®

If you’re mentally fit, you can handle life’s great challenges without mental stress or other negative emotions. Positive Intelligence is based on Mental Fitness which is a measure of the strength of your positive mental muscles (Sage) versus the negative (Saboteur). Your Saboteurs cause all your stress, anxiety, self-doubt, frustration, regret, shame, guilt, and unhappiness in your life. Discover your top Saboteur(s) by completing the free assessment here:  Positive Intelligence Assessment

As a Certified Positive Intelligence Coach (CPQC), I invite you to contact me if you’d like to know more about this life-changing 7-week program. It’s guaranteed to achieve breakthrough results, whether for individuals or teams who want to move past limiting beliefs. Many thanks to thought leader Shirzad Chamine who is the author and researcher behind this ground-breaking work.

Harrison Assessments

The Harrison Work Preference Inventory suite of tools is a powerhouse for on-boarding, leadership development, engagement, succession planning and coaching for individuals and teams. It all starts with a quick, 25-minute assessment.

Learn more about the Harrison Assessments

Custom Coaching and Facilitation

Every leader is different, and so are their challenges. So, I get creative in building a program designed for you, and only you. This will be comprised of time-tested practical tools grounded in solid research such as Dare to Lead™, Harrison WPI, Type, EQ, Positive Intelligence, and much more. I also support leaders with their 360o feedback processes, debrief conversations and action planning.

Trauma-Informed Coaching

Trauma-informed coaching is an approach to coaching that considers the potential impact of trauma on an individual’s life and seeks to create a safe and supportive environment for clients who have experienced trauma. The primary goal of trauma-informed coaching is to help clients heal and build resilience while honoring their unique experiences and perspectives.

It is based on a strong foundation and partnership of psychological safety, sensitivity, choice and a strengths-based approach. Overall, trauma- informed coaching recognizes trauma’s complex and sensitive nature and aims to support clients in their healing journey while respecting their autonomy and choices. It is essential for coaches to continuously educate themselves about trauma and related issues to provide effective and compassionate support to their clients.

Psychological Safety in the Workplace

It’s been said that “no one comes up with a good idea when being chased by a tiger”.  Psychological safety is the gateway to successful team high-performance as measured in a brief, research-based survey.  Defined by Professor Amy Edmondson author of The Fearless Organization, it is “a belief that one will not be punished or humiliated for speaking up with ideas, questions, concerns, or mistakes.”

Why is this important? “No one was ever fired for silence”, meaning team members discount the future impact of their dangerous silence when they are aware of the risks of a situation but don’t speak up. The result: unsafe work practices, reduced innovation, conflict/stress escalation and time wasted on impression management. The Fearless Organizational Scan measures four domains of psychological safety and is a game-changer for teams to have better dialogue:

  1. Attitude to risk & failure
  2. Open conversation
  3. Willingness to help, and
  4. Inclusivity & diversity

Let me know how I can support your team have more accountability and motivation through psychological safety. I am certified in both the Fearless Organizational Scan and the LeaderFactor 4 Stages Solution.

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