Midlife Crisis Got You Down?

Midlife Crisis Got You Down?

Reframe Life’s Transitions Into an Exciting Future I’ve been thinking a lot about transitions lately. It seems that I am facing one after another, as are many of the coaching clients I work with and even the world! Some are going through big life changes, like...
We Have Been Lied To

We Have Been Lied To

Image © by MicroStockHub via canva.com Stress is not bad for you; being stuck is bad for you “Wellness is not a state of mind, but a state of action. It is the freedom to move through the innate cycles and oscillations of being human – from effort to rest and...
Traditional Goal Setting Doesn’t Work for Me

Traditional Goal Setting Doesn’t Work for Me

Image © by Cup of Couple via canva.com My annual goal list consists of ONE BIG INTENTION I’ve been thinking about the year ahead, as is the tradition for many when one year ends and another begins. While some people find value and calm in setting detailed goals for...
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